
The advantages of the Foreign Exchange Market

The daily volume of business dealt with on the foreign exchange markets in 1998 was estimated to be over $2.5 trillion dollars. (Daily volume on New York Stock Exchanges is about $20 billion) Today (2006) it may be about $5 trillion dollars. The daily volume of the foreign exchange market in North America in October 2005 was about $440 billion. The Foreign Exchange market expanded considerably since President Nixon closed the gold window and currencies were left afloat vis-รก-vis other currencies and speculators could profit from their transactions.

Until recently, this market was used mostly by banks, who fully appreciated the excellent opportunities to increase their profits. Today, it is accessible to any investor enabling him to diversify his portfolio.

The emergence of Yen as a major currency, and new Euro, in addition to the Dollar beside many other currencies, and the frequent fluctuations in relative value of these currencies provide a great opportunity to generate substantial profits. Chinese Renminbi is convertible on current account, but not on capital account. When it becomes fully convertible, which is not likely to occur until 2020 or later, it will fundamentally affect the foreign exchange market due to its sheer volume.

The foreign exchange market operates 24 hours a day permitting intervention in the major international foreign exchange markets at any point in time.

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